"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive." Anaïs Nin

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

These Rules Make Good Sense

If you're not familiar with Gael Hannon, I suggest you hop over to her page and check out what she has brewing every once in awhile. Gael shares a variety of stories about living with hearing loss. She recently published a post about the rules of the "hearing loss game", which actually is very sage advice for life in general.

Take a peek here: http://hearinghealthmatters.org/betterhearingconsumer/2013/the-rules-of-the-hard-of-hearing-game/

There is excellent advice in that post, don't you think?


  1. That's a wonderful article, Joyce. Thanks for pointing it out to us.
    I love Gael's references to "The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers too. A nice stroll down memory lane for me.

    1. You're welcome, Sarah. It was a good song choice.
