
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

"Let. Them. Go." by Lana Ryder Rosner

My friend, Lana Ryder Rosner (click the link to her blog below this post) is not only wise, she is able to put her wisdom into words that can be understood by others. I love how she expresses herself here, and I'm sure many of us have been in similar situations.

"As far back as I can remember I have believed that we can all get along, even if we don't agree or have very different opinions or perspectives about truth. We can choose how to handle conflict, reaching out in love and forgiveness, reconciliation or not. We always have choice. Long after my parents divorced I chose to maintain the role of peacemaker between them. By the grace of God and willingness of both my parents, the child's heart within me was blessed beyond measure to see them eventually being led by their hearts instead of pride and ego in their relationship. My dad visited my Mom in the hospital when she had her neck surgery when she was 80. My mom went and checked in on my dad when he was not well and living alone when I was away and couldn't. She even played two of his favorite songs at his funeral. You know, any of us can make mistakes and errors of judgment in any relationship, miscommunicate, even consciously(or not) albeit foolishly commit acts that cause someone else hurt or distress. As we grow, age and mature, life gives us limitless opportunities to learn wisdom, grace and patience towards others and ourselves. Forgiveness, grace and mercy are mostly learned in the sometimes fiery crucible of personal relationships. We can extend forgiveness, still care about someone and yet be smacked in the face with the fact that we need to let them go, to gently and lovingly remove the conscious connection that allows them access to our heart. I've been a slow learner in discerning courses of actions between healthy self-love and loving others as we love ourselves. Doormat or doorway? As one being in the healing profession most of my adult life, I confess it's sometimes taken me too long to realize the difference. Not always, but enough times that this meme shared below from Crystal Andrus wrapped its energy around my heart and soul early this morning, causing me to acknowledge it fully. Bless them, send them light and love, and Let. Them. Go."

In case you can't see the Meme and photo that Lana is referring to, it says:

Keep people in your life that truly

Love you

Motivate you

Encourage you

Inspire you

Enhance you

and make you happy.

If you have people who do not of the above,


Check out Lana's blog here:

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