
Monday, March 10, 2014

Nuns Share Reiki as They Seek to Minister Holistically

Hands on healing has been around for years. We were created to energetically help our healing, and the healing of others. When a child falls and hurts their knee, they cup their hand over it. When someone has a headache, they rub their forehead or temples.

We use our hands to reach out and comfort one another with a gentle touch, a hug, or a hand on a shoulder or another person's hand.

It makes sense to me that a gentle hands on system of healing has benefits everywhere, and especially in churches where compassion and love for one another is a major tenet of faith.

I love the following article about these lovely ladies- and I hope to see the movie about them.

Reiki by Nuns:

I love this quote from the article:

"He's not going to ask me how often did I go to Mass or if I prayed every day," she said. "He's going to ask me, 'What did you do for your brothers and sisters?' That's what you did for me."

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