
Friday, August 16, 2013

Support Our Deafened Troops

Many of our troops return home with little or no help how to adjust to living a deafened life. Social situations are no longer enjoyable. Church services, movies, and other gatherings or events only add to the stress that's already been put upon them.

This is why captions, audio loops, aids and devices are important. Though aids and loops help, they are not perfect, they are just what they are - aids. Sensory loss can disabling and difficult to learn to adjust to and live with.

Let's support our troops by making social and organizational gatherings more accessible for those who have lost degrees of their hearing.

This is an interesting post regarding noise induced hearing loss written by Gerald R. Bearce, a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel.

Let's support our troops by making social and organizational gatherings more accessible for those who have lost degrees of their hearin

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