
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Fall 2013 Sign Language Classes

I am pleased to share this information with you. This is for residents in the Lancaster, PA and surrounding areas:

offered by
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services of Lancaster County
Beginner I American Sign Language 8 weeks—Cost: $100.00 + Text $20.14
Tuesday EVENINGS, 6:00—8:00 PM
STARTING DATE: September 10, 2013
LOCATION: TBA (near or in Lancaster) Text: Signing, How to Speak with Your Hands by
Elaine Costello Prerequisites: None
This is a beginner class in American Sign Language which will introduce the basics of communicating with the Deaf and information about Deaf culture. The class will cover the first half of the vocabulary in the required textbook.
Beginner II American Sign Language 8 weeks—Cost: $100.00 + Text $20.14
Wednesday EVENINGS, 6:00 PM—8:00 PM
STARTING DATE: September 11, 2013
LOCATION: St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church, 10 Delp Road
Text: Signing, How to Speak with Your Handsby Elaine Costello
Prerequisite: Completion of a previous formal class or other experience with ASL
This class is a continuation of American Sign Language utilizing the Elaine Costello dictionary text and other resources determined by the instructor.
Intermediate to Advanced Class
DHHS would like to offer an intermediate to advanced class if there is enough interest. Please call us and, if there are at least seven students interested, we will find a place to hold the class.
Call 717-397-4741 and leave a message or email
Registration for Fall Sign Language Classes (DEADLINE September 3, 2013)
Beginner I Sign Class: Class $100, Text $20.14 􏰀 Tuesday PM
Beginner II Class: Class $100, Text $20.14 􏰀 Wednesday PM
Amt Paid:________________ Check :________________
Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________ Zip:_______________________ Phone:_____________________________ Email: ___________________________
Complete form and return with check to: DHHS, 150 Farmington Lane, Lancaster PA 17601

Questions? Please call
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services,
717-397-4741, or email 

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