
Monday, June 10, 2013

In Search of ASL Volunteers for VBS Kids

The message below is from Jenice of deafkonnect in hopes to find ASL volunteers able to help these kids out this summer. I was unable to download the flyer to share with you (my computer has security software I am unable to change settings). The contact email is at the bottom.

West Shore E Free Church is asking for signers to volunteer to make the Vacation Bible School (VBS) accessible to deaf children again this year. We had two children last year (one deaf, one HoH) and hope to have more this year as word gets around. 
This year, the VBS takes place Monday - Friday, July 29 - August 2, 6pm - 8:45pm at 

West Shore E. Free Church, 1345 Williams Grove Road, Mechanicsburg 
This year, the theme is Kingdom Chronicles, like crusaders in search of the truth, and putting temptation on the run with the point of one's sword (the Word of God).  You can look it up here:  Feel free to print out the flyer attached, and pass this info around to anyone you know who might be interested. 
We're assembling our volunteers now, and will need about a dozen.  Last year we had a wonderful time, and hope to make each year better for the volunteers as well as for the kids. 

We are looking for 3 or 4 people especially to commit to practicing the songs (and attending song practice meetings), and 2 or 3 volunteers to interpret announcements at the beginning and end, interpret the lesson, and interpret the special interest part (the church's VBS always highlights a specific ministry that the children's tithes will be donated to, such as World Vision for a child's welfare, Cure International for a child's surgery, etc.)

We're also going to need a volunteer for each of the grade levels (that's 5 volunteers) and for each of the stations (that's another 3-4 volunteers).  Stations are snacks, games, and crafts.  (One could potentially handle more than one assignment.)
It is one of my most passionate soap boxes that families with deaf children have no spiritual support in the greater Harrisburg area.  There are no churches that provide interpreted or signed church services or religious activites for the deaf children in our area.  (If there is one, let me know.  I don't want to give out false information!)  Who better to reach with the gospel??  How better to use your signing skills to help others? 
If interested, or want to know more, reply to this email, and we'll get in touch with you!
Thank you all so much for considering this opportunity to use your signing skills to help deaf children hear about Jesus!

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