
Monday, January 14, 2013

Guest Post and Adorable Signing VIDEO by Carmen Popescu

Carmen (in Amsterdam, Netherlands) shared a delightful video on the Signing Time Instructors FaceBook forum. I asked if she would permit me to share her video and if she would like to write a post for us. I think you will enjoy reading her story as much as I. Be sure to check out Carmen's video and website at the bottom of this post.

I've started signing with my daughter when she was 9 months old because I was fascinated about the possibility of better communicating with her before she was able to talk. I didn't know at the moment that we were going to have lots of fun and we were building some of the dearest memories.
I have two special ones that I would like to share.

My daughter was 18 months old. We were having lunch together and she started talking very agitated. I told her that it is not polite to talk with her mouth full, so I asked her first to finish chewing and then tell me her wish. She gave me the most beautiful and naughty smile, nodded her head and very fast started signing "MORE, MORE, MORE".

Another time I was singing for her to sleep. When I finished the song she told me "More" and signed very fast "MORE, MORE". I finished again and this time without a word, eyes closed and in a slower motion she signed "MORE" again. I finished again and with the last forces she could get together she signed a last "MORE" in a very slow motion.

At 18 months she had a rich vocabulary- she was using over 45 signs and over 25 sound words and she was more confident and sociable than other kids I know. Also, her motor skills were much better that many other kids of same age. And she was very communicative.

For me, using sign language with her was great as well. It made me read more and find out about different deaf communities in the world and about the American Sign Language. I liked it so much that I became a Baby Signing Time Instructor. It made me want to learn more sign languages and get in touch with one of my hearing impaired friends and work on a website to promote Romanian Sign Language that doesn't have so much exposure online.

I want to tell everyone that different sign languages are fun and rich languages and part of amazing cultures. I want everyone to learn a bit more and share their beautiful experiences.

Carmen Popescu


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