
Thursday, November 1, 2012

In Recognition of Excellent Captions provided by WGAL

The notice below was passed on to my via email by Gary to share. 


To:  Jeff Yockey, President of PSAD
CC: Officers of Greater Harrisburg Chapter
       HLA of PA

You may want to share the following message I submitted to our local NBC TV (WGAL Channel 8) station today via their "Contact Us" website with the board.  We need to compliment TV stations that provide live captioning in lieu of scripting which is inadequate and hardly ever follows what they say on TV.

As an early 6 AM riser I was very pleased to see your continuous real-time captioning of the news especially in light of Sandy.  This was also a "first" in weather and TRAFFAX captioning. Live captioning is so much better than the terrible error-prone scripting and boring scrolling of the past.  I hope it continues on a daily basis on the 6 AM, 5 PM and 11 PM news.

In appreciation with thanks I remain,
Gary Bootay
Past Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Society for the Advancement of the Deaf 

Hummelstown, PA

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