
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Adorable Sign Language "From Our Place to Yours"

This adorable child is 16 months old and can sign more words than she can speak. The muscles that we use to speak with aren't fully developed until we are well past toddler age. However, Sign Language is a natural, visual language that is easily understood. Children in preschool where sign language is taught communicate better and with less tantrums and frustrations because they can express themselves more clearly and are easily understood.

Nicole has done a wonderful job teaching Luciana to sign with the guidance of the Baby Signing Time DVD's and the flashcards she is playing with. Luciana doesn't know it yet, but I am sending some Baby Signing Time flash cards to her mom when they arrive next week.

Be sure to check out the link below the video and visit Nicole's blog. It's adorable, too.

Click here to visit Nicole's blog, From Our Place to Yours:
Isn't she ADORABLE?


  1. yay! we made your blog! we love you and your support! and genuine THANK YOU for a new set of signing flash cards - she will absolutely LOVE them!


  2. :-) Such adorableness needs to be shared. Did you see this over at posted by @DadBlunders ?
    Those cards will be sent as soon as they arrive.
