
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"One Lovely Blog" Award

While my family and I were away on vacation, my friend Liz from nominated me along with 14 other bloggers for the "One Lovely Blog Award".  Congratulations, Liz, on your own nomination by by Melissa over at Living with a Cochlear Implant Thank you, Liz, for nominating me along with such wonderful fellow bloggers.

Here are the 5 guidelines to accepting this award:

1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
2. Paste the award image on your blog, anywhere.
3. Tell them seven facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other bloggers for this award.
5. Contact the bloggers that you have chosen to let them know that they have been nominated.

1.) I was a hard of hearing child who became deaf late in life.

2.) I am a mother of two hearing children (CODA's - child/children of deaf adult).

3.) I am married to a husband who is hearing.

4.) I volunteer my time at a private school teaching hearing children how to sign. The school has the 
 distinct reputation of teaching its students three languages, English, Spanish and Sign Language.

5.) I've traveled the U.S. extensively and I also lived in Europe.

6.) I advocate bridging the gap between the deaf and hearing communities as well as advocating inclusion for those who become hard of hearing or deaf late in life.

7.) I also advocate for American Sign Language to be taught in ALL our schools. It is, after all, "American" Sign Language.

Now it's my turn to nominate you for this award, and for you to tell 7 facts about yourself, putting image of award anywhere on your blog. Link back to me in your post and nominate 15 other bloggers. There were too many others I wanted to nominate, as well, but here are my nominations in no particular order:

1.)  Annie's Cottage in Oregon:

2.)  Follow Your Bliss:

3.)  A "determined mom" blogs about being a single parent:

4.)  Michael Dunmire's photography blog:

5.)  Brenda Boitson's Blog:

6.)  Stephanie Gehman's blog at

7.)  Shanna Groves blogs as Lip Reading Mom here:

8.)  Aaron blogs at A More Silent World:

9.)  Michelle blogs At the Speed of Life:

10.) Michele Bonhert shares life and observations at Deaf Expressions:

11.) Thomsen Young shares various thoughts and insights:

12.) I love the attitude of Dr. Schnookleheimer:

13.) Laura, aka Lillytiger journals on her blog here:

14.) Ami Becker blogs what it is like to struggle with difficult health issues:

15.) This isn't a blog, but is should be. This photographer shares his life, interests, adventures and   family with his photography here:


  1. Thank you for the mention and for your wonderful blog!


  2. Your welcome. Lovely to read your post. :)

  3. Thank you for including Follow Your Bliss on your list. I appreciate it and am happy to be in such company!

    1. You're welcome, Gary! I'm glad to be in such company, as well!
