
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

9-1-1 Texting Coming to Syracuse, NY

Though the video isn't captioned, the story is transcribed for us. It's high time we see more texting systems being put in place for the deaf and hard of hearing community. We have first responders already learning ASL in various regions around the country and FEMA has been wonderful in gathering information how to better serve us.  Be sure to check the rest of the links below to see other areas of progress regarding emergencies and tests.(Thank you Sharon for posting this video on FB)

Along with the new emergency 9-1-1- text service, here are the Top 50 Emergency Uses for your Camera Phone by Paul Purcell (thank you Kim Stephens for the link)

If you're on Twitter, some dispatch and emergency responders now monitor tweets. Check out hashtags #smem and you will see the latest topic being discussed. Need help right away, tweet that hashtag and someone will most likely pick up your emergency and direct help your way.

Check out last November's small research project along side FEMA's National Emergency Test and Stephanie Jo Kent with hashtags #smem and #demx  here:

Spread the word, good things are being done to include the deaf and hard of hearing citizens of the USA.

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