
Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I am a HUGE fan of ASL music videos, especially ones that are closed captioned so everyone can enjoy them. Now, the Deaf and Hearing Impaired community can have their own version of Itunes in the form of ASLTUNES. Check out this page and the genius behind this idea, Jade at the link below, and if you can, spread the word and help her and her team out as they work on the app to get this great idea up and running. Follow the link and see what's happening right now with their project:

Perhaps you remember Ann Marie Bryan (Jade) from another important piece of work, her documentary "9/11 10 Years Later - Are They Ready for Deaf People".


  1. Replies
    1. Yeah I agreed with you this a great app specially to those deaf people if they come up with this amount. I hope they can get a sponsored for this app.

  2. I like the blog, but could not find how to subscribe to receive the updates by email.
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  3. Julie, thank you! I moved the "subscribe by email" field up to the right side of this posts. I didn't realize I had buried it so far down the page. Thank you for letting me know. If you are reading on a mobile app, it should appear here below the post.
