
Monday, December 5, 2011

What's the Difference Between Interpretation and Translation?

There seems to be confusion between the terms "interpretation" and "translation" when it comes to the ASL videos.

Translation is anything in written form, transcripts, books, etc. Books written in one language are translated into other languages.

*For writing, the term to use is "translation".

I was informed by Erica Camp that  " It is called transliteration from English to PSE (word for word)" 

*To express something word for word from English to Signed Exact English or PSE, the term is "transliteration".

The focus of interpretation is to express the meaning of something, such as the meaning of a song or the point of a conversation, not the just the verbal words.

*To convey the meaning of what is said, be it song, poetry, conversation, the term is "interpretation".

Did we confuse you further? No worries. Here's all you need to know:

If you're uploading signed videos, from a verbal language, go ahead and use the term "interpretation". After all, many of you are  "interpreters".  :-) The job of an interpreter is to... INTERPRET.

....just so you know.

Thank you, Erica, for educating us further on this confusing topic! :-)

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