
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Deaf Tweet-In Guidelines

Deaf Emergency Tweet-In    2:00 pm EST, WED, Nov. 9, 2011

Here are a few details for tomorrow's participation with the Deaf Emergency Tweet-In

1. Sign into Twitter, if you don't have an account, you can create one. Go to and follow  the directions.

2.Turn on your GPS settings. This is important in an emergency for Responders to know which district to dispatch from, and how to find you if you need help.

3. Include #demx in every tweet about the test.

4. Follow @XpressiveHandz and @Deaf_Emergency.

5. FYI: We are only collecting tweets to #demx.

The number sign before a tweet is called a "hashtag". Our topic is Deaf Emergency X, shortened for this purpose as #demx.

 Hashtags are simply a topic with a # in front of it, such as #demx we are using in regards of discussing Nov 9 National test being conducted by FEMA. It is like following a channel on the old CB or ham radio or tv station. It is topical, dedicated to either the topic, or group of people, such as #deaf #ASL #disability #hardofhearing #HOH. If you have a twitter account, check these out by using the "search" at the top of your twitter screen, then you can "save" the search when you find this topic. You will see a timeline of all tweets associated with the hashtag.

Stephanie Jo Kent put together a few ideas we are looking for:

* #demx EAS Alert received by ______ (tv, internet, SMS, text, etc)

*  #demx EAS Alert received via interpreter over ______ (tv, in person, etc)

* #demx EAS Alert not received

* #demx EAS Alert info clear

* #demx EAS Alert info not clear

These are some questions we will be asking:

Q1   Which local First Responders are BEST at communicating with the Deaf?

Q2   Which Deaf Community is CHAMP with communicating with First Responders?

Q3   Which way of communicating was BEST? English text or ASL interpretation?

Hearing people are watching, hearing people care. Your #demx tweets matter!

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