
Saturday, October 29, 2011

"Still Not Convinced Social Media is Important? Read Craig Fugate's Testimony

This is a post by Kim Stephens at idisaster 2.0

Still not convinced Social Media is important? Read Craig Fugate’s Testimony

by kim26stephens

Federal Emergency Management Agency
Image via Wikipedia
Post by: Kim Stephens
Here is the link to FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate's written statement of his testimony to the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Repsonse and Communications. The topic was the progress since the enactment of the Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act (PKEMRA) five years ago.
On page 7 he states the importance of social media and mobile communications:
"Looking to the emergency communications of the future, FEMA is also developing a next- generation infrastructure for alert and warning capabilities, known as PLAN (Personal Localized Alerting Network). Cell phones are data centers, capable of quickly accessing and storing a large amount of information. One of the major lessons we learned from the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti was that even if the physical infrastructure of an area is completely destroyed, the cellular infrastructure may be able to bounce back quickly, allowing emergency managers to relay important disaster-related information and enabling the public to request help from local first responders. This new, free public safety system allows customers with an enabled mobile device to receive geographically targeted messages alerting them of imminent threats to safety in their area whether nearby cell phone towers are jammed or not.
We are also expanding our use of social media tools. Social media is an important part of the Whole Community approach because it helps facilitate the vital two-way communication between emergency management agencies and the public, and it allows us to quickly and specifically share information with state, local, territorial, and tribal governments as well as the public. FEMA uses multiple social media technologies like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to reach the public. Rather than asking the public to change the way they communicate to fit our system, we are adapting the way we do business to fit the way the public already communicates. We value social media tools not only because they allow us to send important disaster-related information to the people who need it, but also because they allow us to inco rporate critical updates from the individuals who experience the on-the-ground reality of a disaster."

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