
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Last Day

Today was bittersweet. It was my favorite day of the week because I spent it with the most precious students. However, it was the last day of Sign Language class for this school year. I won't see most of them until October when we start up our next levels of ASL classes together.

I have to brag on my First Grade class. Their teacher was telling me that when they went on their field trip last Thursday to a nature reserve, the students signed to one another the creatures they were seeing on the trail. They were so quiet on the walk, that they did not scare away the animals with verbal chatter. They were communicating quietly with one another with the signs they had learned in class. You should have seen their faces as they showed me in ASL all the creatures they saw, turtles, birds, snakes, bugs, butterflies, I can't remember what else. I'm so proud of them! From what I understand, they shared these signs with the guide who led them on their expedition through the park.

The Kindergarten class gave me beautiful flowers as a parting gift, and my First Graders wrote me notes I will save and treasure for years to come. Their gifts touch my heart deeply, their hugs of goodbye even more. I honestly told each class they were my favorite class. It's true, because the kids in each class are my favorite people.

I'm already looking forward to the next school year. I know it's going to be a good one, too.

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