
Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Most Spiritual Gift

I like to read blogs. I try to visit various ones throughout the week, never knowing what I'm going to learn.

I read one this week where someone wondered if there were people waiting for her to fail so they can take glee in her failure. Personally, I don't think she needs to worry about that because her life appears to be filled with kind Christians. People who love God generally love others enough to want the best for them and want to see them succeed, even if they have different opinions and views.

In Psalms, we are warned not to gloat when an enemy falls. If it warns us about gloating over the mistake an enemy makes, how much more serious the warning is toward us regarding our fellow Christian brothers and sisters?

If you happen to read a blog where someone is going through a difficult time and is sharing that with you, take a moment to pray for them. You don't need to leave a comment telling them you're praying for them, and you don't exactly need to know how to pray for them. Just lift them up to God. Sometimes, the most spiritual and greatest gift you can give someone is a prayer.

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